Tsuga has skin-cleansing properties and is spiritually uplifting. Its fresh aroma is the result of steam-distilling the needles and twigs of the conifer tree.
鐵杉精油 Tsuga
具有清潔皮膚的特性,在精神上令人振奮。 它的新鮮香氣是通過蒸汽蒸餾針葉樹的針葉和細枝而得到的。
Tsuga has skin-cleansing properties and is spiritually uplifting. Its fresh aroma is the result of steam-distilling the needles and twigs of the conifer tree.
具有清潔皮膚的特性,在精神上令人振奮。 它的新鮮香氣是通過蒸汽蒸餾針葉樹的針葉和細枝而得到的。