Grounding™ essential oil blend is a unique combination of White Fir, Black Spruce, Ylang Ylang, Pine, and other essential oils. It complements feelings of stability, clarity, and spirituality. Grounding’s warm and entrancing aroma can create an atmosphere that is perfect for finding self-awareness and confronting negative emotions. Diffuse or apply it topically as you stabilize and ground your day and work to cope with life’s daily challenges.

接地氣 Grounding™精油

混合冷杉黑雲杉依蘭松木和其他精油的獨特組合。 它補充了穩定,清晰和靈性的感覺。 散發著溫暖而誘人的香氣,可以營造出一種完美的氛圍,非常適合發現自我意識並應對負面情緒。 在您穩定和放鬆自己的一天並努力應對生活中的日常挑戰時,進行局部塗抹或擴香。


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